The Geometry of Qubits
by Steven H. Cullinane
August, 2007
In the context of
information theory, the following structure seems to be of
"... the full two-by-two matrix ring with entries in
the unique simple non-commutative ring of order 16 featuring six units
(invertible elements) and ten zero-divisors."
-- "Geometry of Two-Qubits," by Metod Saniga (
17 pp.), Jan. 25, 2007
This ring is another way of looking at the 16 elements of the affine
over the 2-element field. (Arrange the four coordinates of each
element-- 1's and 0's-- into a square instead of a straight line, and
regard the resulting squares as matrices.) (For more on
Finite Relativity and
related notes at
Geometry of the Square and Cube.) Using the above ring,
Saniga constructs a system of 35 objects (not unlike the 35 lines of
finite geometry PG(3,2)) that he calls a "projective line"
over the ring. This system of 35 objects has a subconfiguration
isomorphic to
the (2,2) generalized quadrangle W2
(which occurs naturally as a subconfiguration of
PG(3,2)-- see
Inscapes.) The connection of this
generalized quadrangle with
PG(3,2) is noted in a later paper
by Saniga and others ("The Veldkamp Space of Two-Qubits," cited below).
Saniga concludes "Geometry of Two-Qubits" as follows:
have demonstrated that the basic properties of a system of two
interacting spin-1/2 particles are uniquely embodied in the
(sub)geometry of a particular projective line, found to be equivalent
to the generalized quadrangle of order two. As such systems are the
simplest ones exhibiting phenomena like quantum entanglement and
quantum non-locality and play, therefore, a crucial role in numerous
applications like quantum cryptography, quantum coding, quantum
cloning/teleportation and/or quantum computing to mention the most
salient ones, our discovery thus
- not only offers a principally new geometrically-underlined
insight into their intrinsic nature,
- but also gives their applications a wholly new perspective
- and opens up rather unexpected vistas for an algebraic
geometrical modelling of their higher-dimensional counterparts."

is not without relevance to the physics of quantum
Other material related to the above Saniga
Quantum Geometry, a list of recent work in this area by Metod
The Veldkamp Space of Two-Qubits, by Metod Saniga, Michel Planat,
Petr Pracna, and Hans Havlicek,
Symmetry, Integrability and
Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA 3 (2007), 075) (pdf, June
18, 2007, 7 pp.), and the following cited papers:
Pauli Operators of N-Qubit Hilbert Spaces and the
Saniga–Planat Conjecture, by K. Thas, Chaos Solitons Fractals,
to appear (as of June 18, 2007)
The Geometry of Generalized Pauli Operators of N-Qudit
Hilbert Space, by K. Thas, Quantum Information and Computation,
submitted (as of June 18, 2007)
Page created Aug. 12, 2007; last modified
Aug. 15, 2007.